There are lots of fun-packed ways you can raise money for Book-Cycle. From cake sales to sponsored skydives to your own unique ideas – whatever you do you’ll be raising money to help many projects both in the UK and overseas.
Top Fundraising Ideas
1. Zumba fundraiser
Join in the new craze that’s sweeping the nation and ask a local Zumba instructor to donate their time for Book-Cycle. Either put on your own Zumba night or ask the instructor to donate the entry fees from one of their regular classes and get all your family and friends to attend.
2. Cake sale
Let’s face it – you can’t beat a good old-fashioned cake sale! So bake away and entice hungry customers with your sweet-smelling selection.
3. Host a quiz
Whether it’s a traditional pub quiz or something topical, this is a great way to raise money and get a lot of people involved.
Fundraise at Work
Encourage teamwork, improve morale, and have some fun at work!
4. Dress-down day
Keep it simple with a dress-down day at work or school, or go to town with a fancy dress theme.
5. Hold a raffle
Armed with a book of raffle tickets there’ll be no stopping you! Go for a standard raffle or make it interesting with a winner takes all sweepstake…
6. Add a swear box to your department
You could charge a fixed amount or get them to hand over all their change, either way, just jingle that box every time someone makes a blooper!
Fundraise at School
7. Host a book sale
Ask pupils, parents and teachers to bring in a few good books and organise a school book sale. Your customers should be invited to choose up to 3 books for a donation.
8. School bingo
It is easy and fun. Bingo is a popular way to raise money. You may also want to try contacting different retailers and local businesses to see if they would like to donate prizes.
9. Jumble sale
Ask your teacher if you could hold a bring-and-buy sale for your class, or even the whole school! Bring in your old toys to sell, and donate the profits to sending books overseas.